Sunday, August 2, 2015

He Wasn't There

HI! I’m Nicole and I was raised in a single parent home which came with many hardships, but through it all God has kept me. Part one of my testimony is not having a father figure in my life to fill the voids of where a father is purposed to be. Throughout all of my life I have a dad that I have to call in order to hear from him, but the conversations were filled with empty promises that often left me feeling heart broken and would cry a river of tears. Every young woman needs a father figure to fill the void of wanting another man until God has ordained someone for them. Not having this guidance from a father lead me to look for it in other ways whether it was hanging with a crowd that I really felt out of place with or talking to or dating more than one guy at once (what was I thinking). Even though I had all those people surrounding me guess what I still felt lonely, broken, unsatisfied, and ended up more heart broken than before. This hurt and pain continued intensely until maybe a year ago when I finally said that even though I do not have my earthly father here with me; I have a heavenly father who will never leave me nor forsake me. When I let God take over my life the empty promises no longer hurt, and rather than cursing my dad I rather pray for him and pray that he will raise the children that he does have not with just money (money is NOT everything) but with a love that is only given through God and that he would one day be saved.

So to the girls out there with no father figure I just want to say that giving your life to God is what is going to keep you on those days that you see others with their dad and you feel like nothing, God is the one who is going to hold you on the nights that you would like that loving hug from your father, God is your protector when your father is not there to protect, God is the one to provide for you when your fathers “promises” are not fulfilled, and last but definitely not least God is the one who will always love you no matter what you do; He is a forgiving God who is the greatest father you can ever ask for!


Where your father was not your first love…GOD IS!!!!


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