Thursday, September 3, 2015

Live and Never Die

Hebrews 6: 4-6 NIV

It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who, have tasted  the heavenly gift, who have shared in Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

When reading this passage I was confused what do you mean for those who fallen away it is impossible to be brought back to repentance. Does this mean if I make a mistake and backslide I cannot come back from that mistake? NO, this scripture simply means if someone is to get saved, confess that they believe in God and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and then one day in life they just say that they do not believe in God or Jesus and not wanting to be a Christian anymore; then it is impossible for to come back from that. Let’s put it this way simply before we got saved we were not dead and born physically, but we were unborn spiritually living like babes without guiding or wanting guidance. Then when we get save we are born spiritually and made new living under God and living a life pleasing, holy, and acceptable to Him. Then if we decided to crazily profess with our mind and tongue that we do not believe in God or Jesus Christ then we are basically dead and who do we know that has came back from the dead only person I know is Jesus, and nobody is Jesus. Therefore when the bible it is impossible to come back from that it is because we cannot be revived after being dead in this case.

What happens if we confess that we do not believe in God? (Last Stages of Life)

  1. Withdrawal from external world
    1. You no longer are connected to spiritual realm
  2. Vision and Hallucinations (Being Deceived)
    1. 2 Thessalonians 2: 11-12 AMP
    2. Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false, 12 In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] too pleasure in unrighteousness.
  3. Losing of Appetite
    1. When you have lost your appetite for God you no longer wanting spiritual feeding. You do not want to read the word, pray to God, or fast. This is no longer a part of what you hunger for.
  4. Bowel and Bladder Function
    1. You are losing control of part of you and the world’s way has taken over pushing out everything that God has put in you.
  5. Confusion, Restlessness, and Agitation
    1. Now that you have lost control you are unhappy again, and confused about what you should be doing and frustrated again with life.
  6. Changes in breathing, Congestion in Lungs or Throat
    1. Basically you have rejected God breath and life and you are having difficulties breathing.
Spiritual Death

  1. Cessation of breathing
    1. You no longer have the breath of life in your body from God
  2. Cardiac arrest
    1. No pulse
  3. Pallor Mortis
    1. “Pallor” meaning paleness
    2. “Mortis” meaning death
    3. After losing the breath of life you are lifeless without Christ
  4. Livor Mortis
    1. “Livor” meaning bluish color
    2. A setting of blood in the lower portion of the body
    3. Losing the blood of Christ that has you covered in your everyday life
  5. Algor Mortis
    1. “Algor” meaning coldness
    2. The reduction in body temperature
    3. When you start to become cold and no longer on fire for Jesus and you are no longer living for Christ
    4. Revelation 3:16 AMP
      1. So because you are lukewarm and neither cold not hot, I will spew you out of My mouth
        1. God wants you to be hot on fire for him and if lukewarm or cold he doesn’t want that
  6. Rigor Mortis
    1. “Rigor” meaning stiffness
    2. The limbs of the corpse become stiff and difficult to move or manipulate
    3. Stiffness, no longer able to be used in the body of Christ you cannot be moved. Also you are no longer able to receive the move of God.
    4. Jeremiah 17: 23 AMP
      1. Yet they would not listen and obey or incline their ears; but they stiffened their necks, that they might not hear and might not receive instruction.
  7. Decomposition
    1. This is when every part of God has decomposed from you and left you, and your life is filled with a strong and a never-ending stench of darkness.
To keep living

In order not to get to the point of no return you have to keep God first in all that you do, and believe in Him in order for you to keep his breath of life, read your word daily to feed your spirit so your spirit will not starve and eventually die and lose its appetite. Stay active and involved in your Church home especially where God has called you to in a certain part of ministry so that the enemy may not attack you with the “You’re bored and nobody wants you doing anything” well you have to get up and do something nobody is going to tell you what your calling is except for God. Also an important factor in staying saved is fasting to get connected with God and disconnected from the flesh. Pray more and speak to God because that’s your phone line between you and Him; without it yeah you have a relationship with Him, but it would be weak, and eventually it would die. Also get saved if you are not already saved and believe that Christ died on the cross for your sins and that you do not want to be like those that are in darkness forever. You have the chance to turn your life around become that man or woman of God that He wants you to be, and to live the life filled with joy and peace. A life with Christ is a life not forgotten by Him. He will give you that breath that you need that pulse of excitement for living right that you want. He will let Jesus blood flow throughout you; you will no longer be stiff and be used by him to minister unto people the way you are receiving Him today.

I Love You All, but Remember That God Loves You Most!!!
- Nicole <3

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